I am frequently asked, “What happens during an Equine Inspired Wellness Retreat?”


Take a moment and visualize yourself at a beautiful ranch surrounded by heart-centered women who have come together to blaze a new trail.

The tranquility of the open land, the clear skies come alive with the songs of those who soar above – with open wings of delight.

The horses are nearby, wandering about the pasture waiting to be saddled up for their next ride.  

Women tend to arrive excited, hesitant, guarded, fearful and question, “What have I gotten myself into?” Of course, they know – but their inner gremlins start to chatter and create self-doubt and a bit of internal chaos.

Like you, the women who choose to create time for themselves are in a state of transition, change, inner unrest, curiosity, fear, and a knowing that if they don’t take a good hard look at themselves, their relationships, their choices, their life experiences and continue to settle – they will remain unfulfilled and stuck living a life which does not support their true essence and hinders the direction they would like to take. 

While riding a sweet horse named River – it occurred to me, dude horses (horses that take riders out on trail rides) are not much different than the women who come on retreat with me.  They have their place within their herd, roam about, wait for direction, know their job and ready to do what they are asked to do – most of the time. 


You see, dude horses usually ride out nose-to-tail. One horse in front of the other on a defined trail. 
The chosen trail can be either an easy ride or one that is a bit more challenging.  The horses are familiar with the path and are surefooted.  If they are allowed to pick their way through the rocks, flora and fauna – they tend to keep their balance and find their way home without much drama.

Then there is a horse that wants to break out of the known and blaze her own trail.

She slowly begins to create her own way, ever so slightly away from the others. At first, her rider may feel uncertain and concerned she’s not following the rules and that she will not be allowed to ride again if she doesn’t follow the others.  Her horse repeats her desire to step out of line. 

Finally, her rider listens and begins to understand the need to allow this to happen or she’s going to have a fight on her hands. She gently gives her horse permission to do what is needed to express her independence.  This insightful woman let’s go of the notion she must follow the herd or she will be left behind or worse – punished. 

Slowly, she relaxes and allows her horse to become her guide. Allowing her hips to open, she relaxes with the cadence of each step. She begins to look up in the direction where she wants to go rather than looking down to make sure she is safe.  She begins to trust herself, and her surefooted steed and settles into her ride.  I am certain the horse is very thankful she is trusted and honored.  Just as we are, when we are allowed to go where we know we need to go!


So, how is a dude horse like a woman on a journey of self -discovery?
  Think about it. 

You want to move forward, you think about it and then YOU DO IT!  Looking around, you find your footing … taking one step at a time until you find your way. You commit to a new path that supports your desire to break out of the ordinary and literally blaze a new trail. 

Yes, you may walk into a few shrubs, get pricked by branches and find yourself off balance.  It’s then you realize, if you shift your weight and re-center yourself, you’re back on track. You become aware that you’re being supported and guided by a wise horse who has discovered what it means to be determined and to do it her way. 

Together, you learn that life’s a dance.  Sometimes you lead and sometimes you follow.


To discover more how horses can help you blaze a new trail, please visit our retreat page. 

As the saying goes, until we meet again…