As women, we give and give until there is very little left.  It’s just our nature!  We’ll give to the point that we feel tired, depleted, exhausted and perhaps even sad or depressed.

Sound familiar?

If you’re like many of the women I work with, you’re so used to taking care of everyone else that your own well-being is on the back-burner.  You’re craving a mega dose of “me” time and can’t seem to find it anywhere!

Have no fear.  Your self-care shift is here.

 Are you ready to bring more serenity, joy and peace into your life? 

 Is your body tired and weary from tending to everyone else in your life (but yourself)?

 It’s time for some self-care secrets!  Here are my favorite must do “me time” rituals to rejuvenate your body from the inside out.

  • Take a Fifteen-Minute “You” Pause.

No matter how busy your life is, you have to take care of yourself.  If you have been around horses and watched them, you will have observed they truly don’t have any set agenda to their day.  They make themselves a priority and ensure they get enough food and rest to maintain their energy for their day.

It’s time for you to do the same!  Drop your agenda to be productive or show up for anyone else and drop into a space of openness.  Tell the people you live with what you’re up to and ask them not to disturb you.  Enjoy this amazing gift to you and watch your body, mind and spirit fill up with a sense of renewal, joy and relaxation.

  • Create a Mini Retreat in Your Home.

You don’t have to get on a plane to usher in a massive dose of renewal!  The other day, one of my horses was nosing around the fresh green grass and decided it was time to lay down and enjoy the scent of nature’s bounty.  One moment, she was roaming around and the next, she decided it was time to retreat from her herd and nestled in the delights of the spring grass.

Find a quiet space in the comfort of your own home. If you have essential oils (like lavender), place a few drops directly on the light bulb (yes, turn on the lamp!) pick out some very soothing music, kick your feet up and JUST BE! Or, perhaps give yourself an “at home” spa experience by drawing a bath, filling it with Epsom salts, and lighting some candles for a delicious dose of indulgence.

  • Do One Thing That Replenishes Your Soul.

Ready for some indulgence?  The change of season from winter to spring brings the shedding of the wooly winter coat on the horses.  They line up for their deep grooming time so they can get rid of the old and bring in the new.  At the end of their “spa day” they look refreshed, have a beautiful shiny coat and are usually ready for a nap under the afternoon sun.

 It’s time for you to shine.  Make it a priority to do one activity that fills your heart with a deep sense of love for yourself.  Whether it’s taking a walk, indulging in a power nap, listening to music or cuddling with your favorite four-legged companion, add it into your daily planner and make it happen!

  • Drop Your “It’s Selfish” Story.

The job of the lead mare is to lead her family to food and water.  However, every once in a while, the younger ones in her herd will decide it’s time to stop, play, and enjoy the moment (even if they are slowing down the other horses).  Their priority is to have fun and to enjoy the freedom of choice. Now that is the epitome of taking life in stride and enjoying the precious moments of complete abandon.

Taking a least a sliver of “you” time every day is a necessity for your emotional, physical and spiritual health.  Yet, we often feel guilty for prioritizing ourselves when we know others need us.  When your tendency to feel guilty about your self-indulgence kicks in, take a deep breath and do it anyway.  When you take a moment to say yes to yourself, you become a woman who is ready to go out and do what it is needed with a new sense of clarity and gusto.  Who doesn’t want that?

When you show up and take care of yourself, everything in your life gets better (and easier)!  So, stop what you’re doing and map out your “you” plan now.  You’ll be so happy you did!  (And once you’ve tried weaving in some “you” time into your life, I’d love to hear from you about how it impacted your life).  If you need some support, feel free to send me a note at Judy@healingthroughhhorses.com